We have arranged special prices for the SMART2015 participants with the following hotel:
Rotunda de São Gonçalo, nº 131, S. Pedro, 9500-343 Ponta Delgada - Portugal
The hotel is only 10 minutes walking distance from the University of Azores and 15 minutes walking distance from the city centre.
The conference rates are 55 Euro - single/night BB and 60 Euro - double/night BB. In order to use these rates you must reserve directly with the hotel (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) and refer that you are attending the "SMART2015" conference. Do not use the general website of the hotel for reservations because you will not be able to obtain these low rates.
1. Due to the high season, you are advised to make your reservation by April 13.
2. The conference lunches will take place at this hotel.