

Paulo Jorge Oliveira




Research Areas of Interest

Researcher Identifiers

* Mechatronic Systems

* Robotic Autonomous Vehicles

* Estimation

* Sensor Fusion

* Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems


Author ID









Google Scholar


Ciencia Vitae


 Academic Career

    Full Professor (Professor Catedrático) with a joint appointment in the Scientific Area of Applied Mechanics and Aerosppace (ACMAA) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) and in the Scientific Area of Systems, Decision, and Control (ACSDC) of the Department of Electrotechnical Engineering and Computers (DEEC), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisbon (ULisboa), since May 2020.

    Associate Professor (Professor Associado) in the Scientific Area of Control, Automation, and Industrial Informatics (ACCAII) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisbon, since December 2010.


    Assistant Professor (Professor Auxilliar) in the Scientific Area of Systems, Decision, and Control (ACSDC) of the Department of Electrotechnical Engineering and Computers (DEEC), IST, from July 2002 to December 2010. Portuguese public servant (nomeação definitiva) in April 2007.


    Invited Teaching Assistant in the ACSDC, DEEC-IST, from September 2000 to July 2002.


    Teaching Assistant in the ACSDC, DEEC-IST, from November 1991 to September 2000.


    Intern Teaching Assistant in the ACSDC, DEEC-IST, from May 1990 to November 1991.

Academic Performance Assessment

Higher Education Degrees

* Habilitation (Título de Agregado) in Mechanical Engineering with the lesson entitled ‘‘Inertial Navigation Systems Aided by Positioning Systems: Applications in Ocean Robotics,” Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, July 2016. PDF File.

* Doctor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with the thesis entitled ‘‘Periodic and Non-linear Estimators with Applications to the Navigation of Ocean Vehicles,” Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, under the supervision of Prof. António Pascoal, July 2002. PDF File.

* Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the Control and Robotics branch, with the thesis entitled ‘‘Supervisão de Controladores,” (in Portuguese) Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, under the supervision of Prof. João Sentieiro, May 1991. PDF File.

* Licenciatura (5 years degree) in Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the Systems and Computers branch, with final score of 16.0/20 points, i.e. top 3% in the year. Final Course Work entitled ‘‘Projeto e implementação de um Manipulador Robótico com 4 graus de Liberdade,” (in Portuguese) Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, under the supervision of Prof. João Miranda Lemos, October 1987.

Afilliation to Associations and Institutions of Scientific Research

•    Member of the Steering Committee of the Associated Laboratory of Energy, Transports, and Aeronautics, from March 2021.

•    Vice-President for Scientific Affairs of the Mechanical Engineering Institute – IDMEC, from January 2021.

•    Member of the Scientific Council of the Center for Aerospace Science and Technolog of the Mechanical Engineering Institute – IDMEC, from July 2020.

   Vice-President of the Portuguese Robotics Society, for the biennium 2017-2019.

•    Member of the Scientific Council of the Intelligent Systems Center (CSI) of the Institute of Mechanics – IDMEC, since January 2015.

•    Researcher in the Associated Laboratory of Energy, Transports, Aeronautics, in the Intelligent Systems Center (CSI) of the Institute of Mechanics – IDMEC, head of the research area of Mechatronic Systems, and collaborator in the area of Networked Distributed Systems, since January 2015 until February 2019.

•    Co-chair of the Robotics and Automation Club, of CSI-IDMEC, since February 2011.

•    Collaborator of the Institute for Systems and Robotics, since January 2015.

•    Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Senior Member ‘‘11), of the Portuguese Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portuguese Robotics Society - SPR, and the Portuguese Association of Automatic Control - APCA.

•    Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Systems and Robotics, since July 2002 to December 2014.

•    Researcher in the Institute for Systems and Robotics – Associated Laboratory, in the area of ‘‘Technologies for Ocean Exploration,” since its foundation in 2002, until December 2014. Collaboration in the areas: ‘‘B – Monitoring and Surveillance with Robotic Agents,’’ ‘‘D – Signal Processing in Communication Networks and Multimedia,’’ and ‘‘Group of Control Theory.’’

•    Researcher in the Institute for Systems and Robotics, Lisbon Pole, of the Instituto Superior Técnico, in the Dynamic Systems and Ocean Robotics Laboratory, since its foundation in 1993 until December 2001.

•    Researcher in the Centro de Análise e Processamento de Sinais (CAPS), research line 7 - ‘‘Control and Robotics,” of the National Institute for Scientific Research (Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica - INIC), from 1987 until 1992.

versão de 1 de fevereiro de 2016.