Supervision of MSc Students with the Thesis Completed
(2nd cycle of Bologna studies)
[MSc60] Santos P., “ADCS Design for a Sounding Rocket with Thrust Vectoring,”
December 2022, student of MEAer, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc59] Silvestre J.P., ‘‘GNC Systems for CubeSats - Design, Synthesis and Validation”
November 2022, student of MEEC, 20/20 points. PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira Supervisor: Pedro Casau
[MSc58] Ramalho P., “Development of a Mechatronic Pantograph for Improvement of the Interaction with Railway Catenaries,”
September 2022, student of MEAer, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Professor Jorge Ambrósio Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc57] Lima G. P., “CubeSat Active Mass Compensation with Laboratory Air-Bearing Based Validation,”
June 2022, student of MEAer, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira Supervisor: Professor Afzal Suleman
[MSc56] Veiga A., “Detection of Unmanned Air Systems Using Multi-Camera Architectures,”
November 2021, student of MEAer, 17/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Professor Afzal Suleman Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc55] Ferreira D., “Nonlinear Control of Multi-Quadrotor Flight Formations,”
November 2021, student of MEAer, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Professor Afzal Suleman Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc54] Duarte L., “Torque Vectoring for Race Cars,”
December 2021, student of MEMec, 15/20 valores. PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
[MSc53] Costa H., “Coordinated Path-Following for Multi-Agent Fixed-Wing Aircraft,”
November 2021, student of MEAer, 20/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Professor Afzal Suleman Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc52] Alves B., “A conceptual design and evaluation framework for ADCS for CubeSats,”
November 2021, student of MEAer, x/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Professor Afzal Suleman Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc51] Ribeiro B., “Development of an
Air-Bearing-Based Satellite Attitude Simulator and Testing of an ADCS Solution”
February 2021, student of
MEAer, 18/20 points, PDF File, Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc50] Cortez B., “Reinforcement
Learning for Robust Missile Autopilot Design,”
January 2021, student of
MEAer, 19/20 points, PDF File, Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Pedro Batista
[MSc49] Oliveira A., “GNSS-based Attitude
Estimation using Single Baseline”
January 2021, student of
MEAer, 20/20 points, PDF File, Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Pedro Batista
[MSc48] Bernardino J., “Point
Cloud Registration with Applications in Distributed SLAM”
January 2021, student of
MEAer, 20/20 points, PDF File, Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Pedro Batista
[MSc47] Castro J., “A Framework for Mobile Robots Localization and Mapping”
May 2020, student of MEMec, 16/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc46] Marques H., “Attitude Determination for the NANOSTAR Project”
November 2019, student of MEAer, 18/20 points, PDF File, Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc45] Azevedo F., “Automatic
Grasping System for Multi-drone Parcel Delivery”
July 2019, student of MEMec, 19/20 points, PDF
File, Summary PDF
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Bruno Guerreiro
[MSc44] Neves D., “Navigation and
Control Systems for the IST-Sat”
July 2019, student of MEAer, 17/20 points, PDF File, Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Rui Rocha
[MSc43] Afonso, J., “Arquitectura distribuída para integração
sensorial em robôs móveis”
June 2019, student of MEAer, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
[MSc42] Martins L., “Linear and Nonlinear Control of UAVs:
Design and Experimental Validation”
June 2019, student of MEMec, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
[MSc41] Madeiras J., “Inertial and Vision Sensors Fusion for
Navigation of UAVs” June 2019, student of MEMec, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File. Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
[MSc39] Santos P., “Deteção
Automática de Defeitos em Superfícies Especulares com um Sistema de Visão e Luz
June 2019, student of MEMec, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Doutor César Silva
[MSc38] Valentim T., “Target Tracking Formation Control of Multirotor
June 2019, student of MEAer, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Profª. Rita Cunha
[MSc37] Bacelar T., “Cooperative Transportation of Loads with
June 2019, student of MEMec, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File. Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc36] Outeiro P., “Control and Estimation Methods for Unknown
Load Transportation with Quadrotors”
July 2018, student of MEMec, 20/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
Antunes A., “Sideslip Estimation of Formula Student Prototype”
November 2017, student of MEMec, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
Pereira T., “Control Development for a Darrieus Prototype Integrated in a SmartGrid
for Urban Context”
June 2017, student of MEMec, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
Supervisor: Prof. Rui Melício
[MSc33] Silva D., “Trajectory Optimization using model scale
June 2017, student of MEMec, 17/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
[MSc32] Antunes J., “Torque Vectoring for a Formula
Student Prototype”
June 2017, student of MEMec, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
Silvério J., “Reconhecimento e estimação de trajetórias de obstáculos em condução de
veículos à escala”
June 2017, student of MEMec, 14/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
[MSc30] Henriques A., “Mobile Manipulator Control”
June 2017, student of MEMec, 14/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraSupervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
[MSc29] Martins, N., “Integration of RC Vehicles in a
Robotic Arena”
November 2016, student of MEMec, 14/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc28] Vasconcelos, R., “CPG and Tegotae-based Locomotion
Control of Quadrupedal Modular Robots”
November 2016, student of MEMec, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo OliveiraCo-supervisor: Prof. Auke Ijspeert
[MSc27] Monteiro, D., “Fault Detection and Isolation
for Linear Dynamical Systems” November 2015, student of Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
(MEAer) 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisors:
Profs. Carlos Silvestre and Doctor Paulo Rosa
[MSc26] Apel, M., ‘‘Deteção e Seguimento
de Animais Marinhos Marcados” (in Portuguese)
March 2015, student of MEEC,
16/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Supervisor: Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor:
Prof. Carlos Silvestre
Santos A., ‘‘Attitude Control for a Group of Space Vehicles”
October 2014, student of MEAer, 17/20
points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira
Eleutério A., ‘‘2D Position System for a Mobile Robot in Unstructured
2014, student of Licenciatura em Ciências da Engenharia Eletrotécnica, e
Computadores da Faculdade Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova Lisbon, PDF File.
Paulo OliveiraCo-supervisor:
Prof. Fernando Coito
Ferro J., ‘‘Design and Simulation of an ABS Control Scheme for a Formula
Student Prototype”
2014, student of MEMec, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. João M. Sousa
Carvalho N., ‘‘Nonlinear Marine Animals Tracking System from Multiple
2013, student of MEAer, 16/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Prof. Pedro Batista Co-supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
Barbosa J., ‘‘Design and Validation of a Localisation and Control System
for a Nonholonomic Vehicle”
2013, student of MEAer, 17/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. Carlos Cardeira
Reis J., ‘‘Advanced Signal Processing Aiding Techniques for Inertial
Navigation Systems”
2013, student of MEAer, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo OliveiraCo-supervisor:
Prof. Pedro Batista
Rodrigues J., ‘‘Localização Indoor de um Robot Móvel Usando Imagem de Profundidade
do Teto” (in Portuguese)
2013, student of MEMec, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Prof. Carlos Cardeira Co-supervisor:
Paulo Oliveira
[MSc18] Ribeiro
M., ‘‘Development of a Portable Underwater Tool to Track Marine Animals”
2013, student of MEAer, 16/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira
Almeida I., ‘‘Real-time Control of Plasma Instabilities”
2013, student of MEFT, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Doutor Nuno Loureiro
Lourenço P., ‘‘Analysis, Design, and Implementation of an Integrated
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Algorithm”
2012, student of MEAer, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisors: Profs. Carlos Silvestre and Pedro Batista
[MSc15] Roldão V., ‘‘Formation Control of Autonomous Air Vehicles”
2012, srudent of MEAer, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Prof. Carlos Silvestre Co-sup: Prof. Rita Cunha and Paulo Oliveira
Deus G., ‘‘Automação de um Sistema Respirometria” (in Portuguese)
2012, student of MEEC, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. Filipa Ferreira
[MSc13] Coias J., ‘‘Navegação Descentralizada de Formações de Aeronaves
com Redes Telecomunicações”(in Portuguese)
2012, aluno MEAer, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. José Sanguino
Silva A., ‘‘Vision Based Pose Computation from Landmarks: an application
to Quadrotors”
2011, student of MEEC, 18/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Carlos Silvestre Co-supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
Santos P., ‘‘Sensor Based Control of a Quadrotor”
2011, student of MEEC, 16/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Carlos Silvestre Co-supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
Viegas D., ‘‘Sistemas de Navegação para Formações Auxiliada por Sensores
Locais” (in Portuguese)
2010, student of MEEC, 19/20 points, PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. Carlos Silvestre
Picão Oliveira J., ‘‘Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Posicionamento
Acústico USBL e Validação com Testes Mar” (in Portuguese)
2009, student of MEEC, 17/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. Carlos Silvestre
[MSc08] Gaspar
T., ‘‘Sistemas de Seguimento Para Aplicações no Interior” (in Portuguese)
2008, student of MEEC, 19/20 points, PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira
[MSc07] Sousa R., ‘‘Sistemas de Seguimento Avançados para Veículos
Submarinos” (in Portuguese)
2008, student of MEEC, 18/20 points. PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira
[MSc06] Gomes L., ‘‘Signal Processing Technique for Integrated
Navigational Systems,”
2008, student of MEEC, 19/20 points. PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira
[MSc05] Brás S., ‘‘Pose Observers for Unmanned Air Vehicles”
2008,student of MEEC, 20/20 points. PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Prof. Carlos Silvestre Co-supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[MSc04] Gomes
J., ‘‘An Overview on Target Tracking Using Multiple Model Methods”
2008, student of MEEC, 19/20 points. PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. Carlos Silvestre
[MSc03] Chan
Chun-Ning (Johnny), ‘‘Advanced NAVSTAR-GPS Positioning Techniques for
2008, Master of Engineering, Imperial College of London (ICL), PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor (ICL): Prof. Paul Goulart
[MSc02] Valverde P., ‘‘Sistema de Seguimento de Veículo Submarino por
Fusão INS/USBL” (in Portuguese)
2007, student of MEEC, 19/20 points. PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. Carlos Silvestre
Valverde N., ‘‘Navegação Local/INS para Formações de Veículos Autónomos” (in Portuguese)
2007, student of MEEC, 17/20 points. PDF File. Summary PDF File.
Prof. Carlos Silvestre Co-supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
Supervision of Final Course Works (pré-Bologna)
list of the supervised or co-supervised Final Course Works of students
from the Licenciatura in Electrical and Computer Engineering (5 years
degree), at Instituto Superior Técnico. Other Engineering degrees are
identified whenever applicable. All in Portuguese.
Gomes A. and Mendes R., ‘‘Técnicas Avançadas para Posicionamento
Global, baseadas em GPS”
Paulo Oliveira Co-supervisor: Prof. Carlos Silvestre
[TFC26] Eufrásio
J., ‘‘Simulador Distribuído de Aeronave e Instrumentação, para Validação de
Sistemas de Navegação, Controlo e Condução em Ambiente MATLAB,” student
of Licenciatura em Engenharia Aeroespacial do IST.
Supervisor: Prof. António Pascoal Co-supervisor: Paulo Oliveira
[TFC09] Almeida J. and Borges M., ‘‘Desenvolvimento
de um Sistema Genérico de Geração de Consolas de Comando e Monitorização para
Robótica Oceanográfica,” alunos da LEIC.