Coordenation and Participation in Scientific Projects
section describes the participation of the candidate in international
and Portuguese research and development projects, numbered respectively
as [IPxx] and [NPyy]. The period of execution for each project, the
institutions involved and the scientific publications published by the
candidate are included. The abstracts of projects and funding details
can be found in Annex B.
International Projects
[IP17] Project Manager at the IST of
the research team of the project funded by the programme INTERREG V-B SUDOE - SOE2/P1/F0684, “Plateforme
collaborative pour la création de nano-satellites étudiants européens – NANOSTAR”,
since March 2018 until February 2021.
Participating Institutions: IST, AEROSPACE VALLEY Cluster (FR),
Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux (FR), Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique
et de l'Espace, Toulouse (FR), Université de Montpellier (FR), Madrid
Plataforma Aeronáutica y del Espacio (SP), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
(SP), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (SP), and Universidade da Beira Interior(PT).
Scientific publications:
[IP16] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the program on Multianual Research from the University
of Macao “SAVEMOB - Sensor‐based control of aerial vehicles for health monitoring
of buildings and industrial facilities,” FDCT/048/2014/A1, responsible by the scientific
coordination in the IDMEC/LAETA, since January 2015 until December 2018.
Participating Institutions: FST (Macao), IST, and University of
California, Santa Barbara (USA).
[IP15] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the program on Multianula Research from the University
of Macao “NAVTECH - Navigation Techniques for Multiple Transponder Ultra
Short Base-Line Acoustic Positioning Systems,” MYRG2015-00127-FST,
responsible by the scientific coordination in the IDMEC/LAETA, since January
2015 until December 2018.
Participating Institutions: FST (Macao), IST, and University of
California, Santa Barbara (USA).
[IP14] Co-Principal Researcher of
the Project from the University of Macao, ‘‘ASIANS – Advances on Sensor
Inertial Aided Navigation Systems,” with Prof. Carlos Silvestre, from
January 2012 until December 2014.
Participating Institutions: FST (Macao) and IST.
[IP13] Member of the research team of the project funded by the European Union
‘‘MORPH-Marine robotic system of self-organizing, logically linked physical
nodes,” EU-FP7-ICT288704 - MORPH, under the scientific cooedination at IST/ISR
of Prof. António Pascoal, from January 2012 until December 2014.
Participating Institutions:ATLAS Elektronik GmbH (Germany),
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Intelligenti
per l”Automazione (Italy), Institut français recherche pour l”exploitation la
mer – IFREMER (France), Jacobs University (Germany), IST/ ISR-LA, Ilmenau
University of Technology (Germany), NATO Undersea Reseach Center (NURC),
University of Girona (UDG) (Spain), Institute of Marine Research (IMAR), and
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) (USA).
[IP12] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the European Union‘‘CO-AUVs - Cognitive
Cooperative Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” EU-FP7-ICT
231378, under the scientific coordination of at IST/ISR of Prof. António
Pascoal, since March 2009 until February 2012.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, GRAAL Tech SRL
(Italy), IST/IST-LA, Jacobs University Bremen – (Germany), Universita degli
Studi di Génova (Italy).
[IP11] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the European Union‘‘TRIDENT - Marine
Robots and Dexterous Manipulation for Enabling Autonomous Underwater
Multipurpose Intervention Missions,” EU-FP7-ICT 248497, under the
scientific coordination of at IST/ISR of Prof. Carlos Silvestre, since March
2009 until October 2013.
Participating Institutions:Universitat Jaume I - Robotics
Intelligence Lab (Spain), Universitat Girona - Research Center In Undewater
Robotics (Espanha), Universitat Balears - Systems, Robotics and Vision (SRV)
group (Spain), Universita di Bologna - Laboratory of Automation and Robotics
(Italy), Universita di Genova - Genoa Robotics and Automation Laboratory
(Itália), IST/ISR-LA, Heriot-Watt University - School of Engineering and Physical
Sciences (UK), Graal Tech SRL (Italy), and IST/ ISR-LA.
[IP10] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the European Union ‘‘VENUS - Virtual ExploratioN
of Underwater Sites,” EU-FP6-IST 034924, since July 2006 until June
2009, under the scientififc coordination at IST/ISR of Prof. António Pascoal.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, CNANS – Instituto
Português Arqueologia (Lisbon), Centre National la recherche scientifique –
CNRS (França), Compagnie maritime d”expertises – COMEX (France), Università
degli Studi di Génova, Integrated Systems for Marine Enviroment – ISME (Italy),
LFUI - Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Austria), MCC - Department for
Underwater and Undersea Archaeological Research (France), MIBAC-SBAT -
Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici della Toscana (Italy), SIMVIS - University of
Hull (Reino Unido), UEVE - Université d”Evry Val d”Essonne (France), UoY-ADS
University of York (UK), Instituto Geológico, and Mineiro-IGM (Lisbon).
[IP09] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the European Union ‘‘GREX - Coordination and
Control of Cooperating Heterogeneous Unmanned Systems in Uncertain
Environments,” EU-FP6-IST035223, since June 2006 until June 2009, under
the scientififc coordination at IST/ISR of Prof. António Pascoal.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, ATLAS Elektronik
(Germany), Institut français recherche pour l”exploitation la mer – IFREMER
(France), Departamento Oceanografia, and Pescas, Horta, ISR-LA, INNOVA (Italy),
MC Marketing Consulting (Germany), SCIANT (Bulgaria), SEEBYTE (UK), Techical
University Ilmenau (Germany).
[IP08] Member of the research team of the project funded by the European Union
‘‘EXOCET - EXtreme Ecosystem Studies in the Deep OCEan: Technological
Developments,” FP6-GOCE-CT2003-505342, since March 2004 until March
2007, under the scientififc coordination at IST/ISR of Prof. António Pascoal.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, AWI (Germany),
Capsum Gmbh (Germany), Cardiff University (UK), Centre National la recherche
scientifique – CNRS (France), Heriot-Watt University (UK), Institut français
recherche pour l”exploitation la mer – IFREMER (France), Departamento
Oceanografia, and Pescas, Horta, ISR-LA, KC-Denmark (Denmark), SeeByte (UK),
Systea (Italy), Universidade do Algarve (Faro), University of Bremen (Germany),
UPMC (France).
[IP07] Member of the research team of the project of the European Union Human
Potential Research Training Network No. HPRN-CT2000-00032, EC, ‘‘FREESUB
2000 until January 2004, under the scientififc coordination of Prof. António
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, CEA Teleoperation
and Robotics Department (França), Democritus University of Thrace (Grécia), The
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (Itália), Institut français
recherche pour l”exploitation la mer – IFREMER (França), University of
Southampton (Reino Unido).
[IP06] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the Office of Naval Research of USA, ‘‘MONAZ:
Monterey-Azores: Cooperative Approaches to Underwater Filed Objetive Detection
and Mapping,” since January 1998 until June 2001, under the scientififc
coordination of Prof. António Pascoal.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Departamento
Oceanografia, and Pescas (Horta), Naval Postgraduate School of Montery (EUA).
[IP05] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the European Community EU-FP4-MAST III Program Marine
Science and Technology MAS3-CT97-0092, ‘‘ASIMOV - Advanced System
Integration for Managing the Coordinated Operation of Robotic Ocean Vehicles,”
since January 1998 until December 2000, under the scientific coordination of
Prof. António Pascoal.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Ecole Nationale
Superieur d”Engineurs – ENSIETA (França), Groupe d”Exploration Sous Marine –
GESMA (França), ORCA Instrumentation (França), System Technologies – ST (Reino
Unido), Departamento Oceanografia, and Pescas (Horta).
[IP04] Member of the research team of the project funded by the European
Community MAST II #CT94-0082, ‘‘DESIBEL - New methods for deep sea
intervention on future benthic laboratories, analysis, development, engineering
and test,” since January 1994 until July 1997, under the scientific
coordination of Prof. António Pascoal.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Institut français
recherche pour l”exploitation la mer – IFREMER (France), VWS Berlim (Germany),
ORCA Instrumentation (França), Universidade Técnica Berlim (Germany).
[IP03] Member of the research team of the project funded by the European
Community MAST II #CT92-0021, ‘‘SOUV - Development of a Self-Organizing
Underwater Vehicle,” since January 1992 until August 1995, under the
scientific coordination of Prof. António Pascoal.
[IP02] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the European Community MAST #PL890816, ‘‘MARIUS
- Marine Utility System,” since January 1991 until August 1994, under
the scientific coordination of Prof. António Pascoal.
[IP01] Member of the research team of the project funded by the European
Community ESPRIT II #2192, ‘‘AIMBURN – Advanced Multi-Sensor System for
Control of Boilers and Furnaces,” since January 1989 until July 1992,
under the scientific coordination at CAPS/IST of Prof. João Sentieiro.
Participating Institutions:IST/CAPS, IST/DEM, Imperial
College od Science, Technology, and Medicine, (UK).
[NP17] Co-Principal Investigator of
the research project funded by the Fundação para a Ciência, e a Tecnologia
- LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029605‘‘DECENTER - Advanced Decentralized Control and
Estimation with application to Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles and Traffic
Network Management,” with the coordination of Prof. Pedro Batista and responsible by the
scientific coordination in the IDMEC/LAETA, since August 2018 until July 2021.
Participating Institutions:IST-ID, and LAETA/IDMEC.
[NP16] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the Fundação para a Ciência, e a Tecnologia – “Fast
Delivery in Urban Environments using Drone Relays: Planning, Control, and Estimation (REPLACE),” under the coordination of Prof.
Bruno Guerreiro, responsible by the scientific coordination in the IDMEC/LAETA,
since January 2016 until December 2018.
Participating Institutions:IST-ID, and LAETA/IDMEC.
[NP15] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the Fundação para a Ciência, e a Tecnologia -
PTDC/EEI-AUT/5048/2014 ‘‘LOTUS - Load transportation using Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles,” under the coordination of Profª. Rita Cunha,
responsible by the scientific coordination in the IDMEC/LAETA, since January
2016 until December 2018.
Participating Institutions:IST-ID, and LAETA/IDMEC.
[NP14] Integrated member of the
strategic program LAETA – Associate Laboratory on Energy, Tranportation,
and Aeronatutics, UID/EMS/50022/2013, since January 2015, at the Center
of Intelligent Systems of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering – IDMEC,
responsible by the scientific coordination on Mechatronic Systems, since
Januaruy 2015.
Participating Institutions:IDMEC, INEGI, ADAI, and AEROG.
[NP13] Integrated member of the
strategic program LARSyS – Laboratory of Robotics and Systems in Engineering and Science
– Associate
Laboratory of IST - LA PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2011, and LA
PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2013, from January 2011 until December 2014.
Participating Institutions:ISR, IN+, CMAGSD, and MITI.
[NP12] Integrated member of the Institute
for Systems and Robótica – Lisbon, Associate Laboratoryfrom June
2002 a December 2014.
Participating Institutions:ISR-Lisbon, ISR-Coimbra, and
[NP11] Principal Investigator of
the Research and Development projeto funded by the Fundação para a Ciência, e a Tecnologia – PTDC/EEA-CRO/111197/2009,
‘‘Advanced Tracking and Telemetry Methodologies to Study Marine Animals -
MAST/AM,” since January 2011 until June 2014.
Participating Institutions:IST/ISR-LA, Centro Ciências do
Mar (CCMar/CIMAR) (Faro), Universidade Federal Rural Pernambuco, Departamento
Pesca e Aquicultura (Brazil), Hopkins Marine Station (USA).
[NP10] Member of the research team of the project funded by the Fundação
para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia - PTDC/HIS-ARQ/103227/2008 ‘‘Ammaia - A
concerted action of archaeology, natural sciences and applied technologies to
place a Roman town in context,” sinceJanuary 2011 until
December 2013.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Universidade Évora
[NP09] Member of the research team of the project funded by the Fundação
para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia - (PTDC/EEA-CRO/102857/2008, ‘‘SCARVE -
Sensor-based Control for Aerial Robotic Vehicles,” under the scientific
coordination at IST/ISR of Doctor Rita Cunha, since April 2010 until October
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Universidade da
Califórnia em Santa Bárbara (EUA).
[NP08] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia -
PTDC/EEA-CRO/104243/2008, ‘‘URBISNET - Urban Environmental Networked
Sensing using a Public Transportation Infrastructure,” since March 2010
until February 2013.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, ISQ - Instituto
Soldadura, and Qualidade (Lisbon), IT - Instituto Telecomunicações (Lisbon).
[NP07] Principal Investigator of the Research and Development projeto funded by
the Fundação para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia
– POCTI/MAR/55609/2004, Robotic Underwater Vehicles and Marine Animals Tracking
Systems,” since December 2005 until June 2009.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Departamento
Oceanografia, and Pescas (Horta).
[NP06] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the Fundação para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia - –
PTDC/MAR/64546/2006, ‘‘ObservFly - Uninhabited Aircraft for Marine
Science Applications,” since November 2008 until October 2011, under
the scientific coordination of Prof. Carlos Silvestre.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Departamento
Oceanografia, and Pescas (Horta).
[NP05] Member of the research team of the project funded by the Fundação
para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia – PTDC/EEAACR/72853/2006, ‘‘HELICIM -
Autonomous Helicopter for Critical Infrastructures Monitoring,” since
October 2007 until September 2010, under the scientific coordination of Prof.
Carlos Silvestre.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, ISQ - Instituto
Soldadura, and Qualidade (Lisbon), Laboratório Nacional Engenharia Civil-LNEC (Lisbon).
[NP04] Member of the research team of the project funded by the Fundação
para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia - POSI/SRI/41938/2001, ‘‘ALTICOPTER -
Unmanned Helicopter for Laser Altimetry,” since July 2002 until July
2005, under the scientific coordination of Prof. Carlos Silvestre.
Participating Institutions:IST/ISR-LA, Instituto Geológico,
and Mineiro-IGM (Lisbon).
[NP03] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the Fundação para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia - POCI/MAR/61178/2004, “SADOGEOROB
- Coastline variations, neotectonics and evolution of the Sado submarine delta
during the Quaternary: an integrated geological and marine robotics approach,” since
January 2006 until December 2008, under the scientific coordination of Prof. António
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Faculdade de
Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa), Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e
Tecnologia Industrial – INETI (Lisboa), Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro).
[NP02] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the Fundação para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia - PDCTM/P/MAR/15249
/1999, “MAROV- Marine Habitat Mapping,” since January
2001 until June 2004, under the scientific coordination of Prof. António
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR-LA, Instituto Geológico e Mineiro –
IGM (Lisboa), IMAR - Instituto do Mar, Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas
(Horta). Scientific publications:[RC05], [RC04], [CI042], [CI034], [CI030], [CI029], [CI028], [CI027] e [CI025].
[NP01] Member of the research team
of the project funded by the Fundação para a Ciênciae a Tecnologia - PRAXIS
XXI 3/3.1/TPAR/2042/95, ‘‘INFANTE: Development of Vehicles and
Advanced Systems for the Execution of Underwater Inspection Tasks,”
since January 1997 until December 2000, under the scientific coordination of
Prof. António Pascoal.
Participating Institutions:IST/ ISR, CINTAL - Universidade
do Algarve (Faro), Instituto Hidrográfico-IH (Lisbon), Registro Internacional
Naval – RINAVE (Lisbon).